Privacy Policy of ZSmart Home

ZSmart Home respects your privacy and the purpose of our (Shenzhen Zhuoqin Internet Technology Co., Ltd.) visitors providing information to us. We will not share, sell or rent any information we collect to any third parties and do not plan to do so in the future.

Information Collected

If you request or submit information to us by sending an email via the "send to:" function or filling out the "contact form", we may save your email address and any other information you may provide. This information may be used to contact you in the future by mail, email or telephone with information about solutions or services that we think may benefit you. The email and other information you provide will not be sold to any third parties.

Information Collected by Others

This statement applies only to the policies of ZSmart Home, not to the websites users visit through our links. ZSmart Home is not responsible for the information collection policies of other websites, or the practices employed by websites linked to or from our website, nor is it responsible for the information or content contained therein. Generally, links to other websites are provided only as pointers to information on topics that may be useful to our visitors. Users are advised to review the privacy policies of other websites.


We value the trust you place in us with your personal information, so we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your information. Please remember, however, that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure or reliable, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.


ZSmart Home does not use cookies.

Updating, Correcting and Deleting Personal Information

If you wish to have your personal information removed from our records, please send an email with "Delete Personal Information" in the subject line.

Children's Privacy

These services are not directed at persons under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. If we become aware that a child under the age of 13 has provided us with personal information, we will immediately delete that information from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we can take the necessary action.

Legally Mandatory Disclosures

ZSmart Home may disclose information when compelled by law; in other words, when we believe in good faith that the law requires it or to protect our legal rights.

Policy Changes Periodically

Please note that ZSmart Home reviews its privacy practices (i.e. tracking technology and/or legal changes) from time to time and these practices are subject to change. To ensure continued familiarity with the latest version of our Privacy Policy, please bookmark this bookmark and review it periodically.

Permission Description:


Our ZSmart Home application will use Bluetooth to scan and connect to Bluetooth-related devices

Positioning and running in the background

Our ZSmart Home app will obtain location data to enable the following features, even if the app exits to the background.
1.Using Ble-related functions, the Bluetooth of the android system needs to locate the Bluetooth device to scan. In some Bluetooth devices, it is necessary to enable positioning in the background to enable the business logic of Bluetooth scanning for connection back.
2.To use WiFi-related functions, the android system requires positioning to use related functions
It will give you a better experience when you allow background location.

Notification Bar

We will use the notification bar to keep background services alive, pop up notification information in time, and other related businesses.


We will use network-related functions for user registration and login, weather, wifi connection and other related services

Phone Status

In some business scenarios, such as in , in order to prevent you from triggering the device disconnection alarm during a call, resulting in a bad experience, so we need to read your call status so that only trigger vibration at this time.


We will use the microphone function in the following scenarios:
1.When using the camera function in the APP to record
2.When using the recording function in the APP


When using the camera function in the APP, you need to use the camera permission to take pictures or record videos


We will use the storage permission to store photos taken or recorded videos when using the camera function in the APP.

Please note that when the user is not using the corresponding function, the app will not request the corresponding permission.

Contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us:
This policy statement is formulated in the name of ZSmart Home and is effective from October 8, 2019. This statement does not create an agreement between ZSmart Home and the user, and therefore does not create any legal rights for either party.